Let’s talk about something that might hit a little too close to home: people-pleasing at work.
Disclaimer: these 10 signs I'm about to share come from a place of "been there!" because this used to be me. So as you read this, if it feels like tough love, it is; but I promise it’s coming from a good place.
Here are the 10 signs you might be a people pleaser at work:
You never say “no.” It’s just not in your vocabulary, and you’re always ready to take on whatever’s asked of you—no matter how much is already on your plate.
You try to have a relationship with everyone you work with. You’re not satisfied with just getting along with your colleagues—you want to be friends with them all.
You follow the status quo. Even when you have a different opinion, you stick to what’s comfortable because you don’t want to rock the boat.
You work late. Whether you’re overloaded or trying to go above and beyond, staying late is more of a habit than a necessity.
You check your emails outside of work hours. Responding at all hours is your way of showing how dedicated you are.
You get nervous taking PTO (or don't take PTO at all). Just the thought of asking for time off makes you uneasy because you don’t want to let anyone down.
You work while you’re on vacation. Instead of unplugging, you’re sneaking peeks at your laptop or phone, staying involved with work.
Negative feedback sends you spiraling. Any hint of criticism hits you hard, making you question your value or your work.
You’re in tune with your boss’s emotional state. You’re so attuned to your boss’s moods that you adjust your behavior and emotions to match theirs.
You keep your boss’s secrets. When your boss confides in you and asks you to keep quiet, you do—no questions asked.
If any (or all) of these hit home, it might be time to ask yourself if you’re truly setting healthy boundaries in the workplace.

Ali Goodin Certified Career Coach in Central FL
I'm a former Disney employee, graphic designer turned career coach, and job transition expert. I created Ful Life Coaching to give professionals of all ages & stages a safe space to navigate career transition. My passion is equipping professionals with the tools and confidence they need to transition in their careers – from launch to retirement – so they can live happier, healthier lives.